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No matter from what angle you look at Christianity, it is a miracle. The most amazing miracle is the New Creation.

We have never been able to get at the heart of it. We have stood outside as spectators and looked at it from its various angles.

A man becomes a New Creation by receiving the very Life and Nature of God.

Take these scriptures as illustrations. Colossians 2:13, “And you, being dead through your trespasses and the uncircumcision of the flesh, you, I say, did He make alive together with Him, having been gracious to us in all our trespasses.” We have been made alive together with Him.

12th verse, “Wherein ye were also raised with Him through faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead.” This is the legal aspect of the New Creation and everything that is legally ours can become a vital reality.

In the mind of the Father, we were made alive with Christ. When He was made alive in spirit, we were made alive in spirit. This becomes a reality to us when we personally accept Christ as Savior and confess Him as Lord.

The life of God comes into our spirits and recreates us. Ephesians 2:1-2, “And you did He make alive, when ye were dead through your trespasses and sins.” This can be called the miracle of Christianity, an actual New Creation.

From Jesus the Healer by E.W. Kenyon (1940).