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This is what God wants every believer to do: just step out in faith and begin laying hands on the sick, and believe they are going to recover. Do you know why I expect the sick to recover when I lay hands on them? Because I believe without a shadow of doubt that Jesus Christ lives his life in and through me.

If I did not believe that, there would be no way that people could get healed when I laid hands on them.

Throughout all of his epistles, Paul preached, “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” Paul never portrayed Jesus as being outside of a believer, dragging him along, saying, “Come on, I am going to make you lay hands on the sick. I am going to make you heal them!” Because the word of God says it, we have to believe that Jesus Christ is living in and through us! To me, the most exciting thing in the world is to know that the physical body you see when you look at me, is the body that was given to Frances Hunter, but the Person who lives inside is Jesus Christ!

When you fully realize that Jesus is living inside of you, it will totally transform you. Then, one day you will realize that when you put out your hand, it is the hand of Jesus Christ!

Jesus said, “He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also, and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father” (John 14:12). So, who did Jesus leave on this earth to complete his work?

He left us! He commissioned us to lay hands upon the sick, using His authority! Remember, it’s all done in the name of Jesus! It is in the name of Jesus that all miracles are done, because Jesus lives in and through us.

That fact does not make us divine, but we do need to know who we are in Christ. When the devil asks you, “Who do you think you are?” You should be able to answer, “I am a child of God. I have the righteousness of God in me. I have Jesus living in my heart. I know who I am! I am not a mere nothing. I am somebody who has Jesus living in me.” Each and every born-again, Spirit-filled believer is incredibly important because Jesus is living inside each and every one of us!

Do something for me, will you? Put your hands out in front of you and say, “These are the hands of Jesus, so there is healing power in my hands.” Pick your feet up off the floor (not while you’re standing) and say, “These are the feet of Jesus! The power of God goes through my entire body. It is not limited to my hands; it is in my feet; it is in my knees; it is in my head; it is all over me!”

From To Heal The Sick by Charles & Frances Hunter.